Success Forum
Explore our posts below to see what you can learn to get what you desire, and how you can start now. Great success.
This Category Was Created Specifically With The Intent Of Sharing The Best Success Strategies and Moments With Avidon
A healthy self-image is crucial to having a successful life. This section is to help you create your best image.
Finance is a key element to building the most successful life. This section is to help you establish your finances.
A lot can happen in so little time, what are you doing with that time? This section will help you use your time better.
Become a successful Entrepreneur with these in depth tips, skills, and strategies related to all things business.
Welcome! This Is The Exclusive Posting Site By Rosey Rachel & Craft's. Have a look around and join the conversation.
Having a great career is crucial to feel successful in life. This section is to help you find or create your best caeer.
Strong relationships are needed when creating a happy life. This section will help you create your best realtionships.
- RoseyRachel & Craft's DomainI'm super excited to see what happens for BRIODS in 2023, and I help out with more ideas for the website. Also products for the website, and I am doing a lot of promoting BRIODS the rest of this year. I am promoting a product that I will be making for BRIODS myself and that be a bracelet with BRIODS on it. We put into the store once I make some of those and super excited to see if those sell and help make them more moneyLike
- RoseyRachel & Craft's DomainI have supported BRIODS since my friend Avidon started his business up, and I have learned a lot of new things from him. It helps me out with my own craft business and working on new things for it. I'm glad to be part of BRIODS team and give them ideas foe new products and for the website. I be making stuff to put on the website to for BRIODS. I love all the different clothes and music on the website. How u do workshops through the website, paying. I learn about mindset and about the money part of running a businessLike
- The Mindset MogulFake Gurus and False Promises Aside… Photo taken from Invest Fest Weekend Two weekends ago I took a business trip to Atlanta for the Second Annual Invest Fest Conference hosted by Earn Your Leisure, the biggest financial literacy podcast, which was sponsored in part by BET and Harvey Ventures amongst many others. More than 12,000 people attended the weekend of assorted activities ranging from expert-led discussions focused on investing, entrepreneurship, real estate, and financial literacy to live musical performances by known celebrities like T-pain, Rick Ross, and Queen Naija. Photo of seating at Invest Fest Weekend This opportunity came about to me by my Chief Financial Officer bringing the conference to my attention. She had heard about this conference for Investors and Entrepreneurs on the radio during the Steve Harvey Show. Not only was Steve Harvey going to be present and speak to the attendees, but Tyler Perry would be there, Eric Thomas, “billionaire owner of Chick-fil-a” Dan T. Cathy, “billionaire real estate entrepreneur” Donahue Peebles, Angela Yee from “The Breakfast Club”, and many many more. When we looked at our available budget, we could afford a VIP entry which was reasonably priced, a round trip flight, and a weekend stay at the Sheraton Atlanta, plus Uber travel fees while going to and from locations. In the past I have taken a few trips to Atlanta with other business partners and collaborators where we drove our own personal vehicles or rentals, but this time I was flying, and I would be primarily focused on my own company and brand growth… Photo of landing in Atlanta My home base is in New Jersey, but me and my executive team have been discussing business expansions down to Atlanta, one of the greatest cities for upcoming influencers, artists, and entrepreneurs. Since I already had exposure to the culture, it only made sense for us to start creating a bridge between our area (New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia) and the South. Finally it was time to put my team up front. After I landed and checked into my hotel, I made my way to VIP Night which began around 6pm on Friday. I knew that I would have a prime opportunity to be able to network within an event that hosted over 1,000 high ticket entrepreneurs, investors, and other talented individuals. If you went to this conference and didn’t come out with a new client, an opportunity, a cash flowing business, a new idea, or some form of new motivation, you missed out on the whole weekend. To start off, while I enjoyed the VIP styled entrees and sponsored drink by D'usse, I was able to connect with a few influencers, artists, and photographers with social media accounts ranging from 15k to 275k. Knowing how social media works, the more accounts that I have in my network with above 15k in followers, the higher value my social network will have. Even though I knew this, I would hear exactly how these numbers affect my brand on the next day… Tonight, we dance. The music by DJ Che’ Mack was on point… Photo taken at Invest Fest Weekend Live performances and fireside conversations by great entrepreneurs and celebrities like Terrence J, Kenny Burns, and others kept the night flowing with excitement and impactful information. Although I didn’t get a chance to stay for the whole VIP Night, I was able to get back to my room with enough time to prepare for the next couple of days ahead. Saturday. This was the big day. Keynote speakers, vendors, and massive networking opportunities. How could you miss this moment? When I arrived, I could see exactly what 12,000 people looked like… Photo taken at Invest Fest Weekend Massive. More than 1,000 of those were VIP and up, so now I was sure that I could find the chances I was searching for. Before I could really network, I decided to take the time and sit in on the keynote presentations. I learned some great things which I will share in another post, but here are a few things to consider: 5 Takeaways from Invest Fest 2022 (click) 1. Financial Independence is Not A Goal It’s A Lifestyle 2. Cashflowing Real Estate Is Always The Big Play 3. Among All The Money You Get, Find Happiness 4. Your Brand Growth Matters 5. Never Get Comfortable I gave you the takeaways now because even though the conference gave its value, the real value was in my own actions. Saturday I did a lot of connecting and networking in between sessions, the main connection was with a Public Relations Firm based outside of Atlanta. This goes exactly with my plans on expanding BRIODS down to the south. With our company having an insider in a P.R. Firm, we can help catalyze the growth of the influencers, artists, and entrepreneurs that are developing their career through BRIODS. Having a direct line into the field of media and publications creates a solid funnel for our organization to grow at an even higher rate, creating a fortified bottomline. Me working as VP of Operations for the firm allows a great advantage and opens up capital that will be applied to the growth of BRIODS and its internal operations. Photo taken at Invest Fest Weekend These progressions are extremely exciting and I would love to offer you the opportunity to gain access to the results of my accomplishments. How can you benefit from my success? 3 Reasons To Partner With Me Partnering with me is a new gateway to a better future. I've found a very unique way to leverage my success for your benefit. Not only can you learn from me and apply it for yourself, but you can also earn money by supporting my projects. When I profit and build wealth, you also profit and build wealth. 1) Earn In Return: (click) Partnering with me is a win-win opportunity. I've had so many opportunities where I was left on the short end. I took this and created a system so people wouldn't have to risk losing or being scammed. I strongly believe that when you support someone, you should earn something in return. I created a financial algorithm for that reason. 2) Equity Interest over Earned Income: (click) Money made while working is always great, but money made from your positioning is even better... With me, you are able to earn equity interest from the earned income I make and I also make it possible for you to earn money from my equity interest gaining opportunities. This helps keep a strong portfolio of options for everyone's benefit. 3) Exciting Growth: (click) As an individual I'm always learning, and as a professional I'm always growing my business. I've already created a plan to establish 7 strong streams of income, and another 5 solid streams once the first ones are self-sustaining to my liking. The big picture is major, but the little things leading up to that are the most important. $25,000 dollars per month is still only in the basement. If these reasons aren’t enough for you, check out more of my other posts and my videos on YouTube… Again, I’ll create some more detailed blog posts about why and how you can benefit from my business success. For as little as $100, you can gain an entry point into the long term profit revenue generated by BRIODS Corporation Of America. I’ll also create a post discussing the complete scope of this plan, until then, I appreciate you supporting me and my organization. I look forward to providing more updates, education, and quality information for your benefit and fulfillment. Thank You and Great Success. Avidon M. Respes CEO & Director of Business Development BRIODS Corporation Of America (856) 481-2887 www.briods.com Have Questions? Send Me An Email: briods.corp@gmail.com with a title and subject... Make sure to put ( "Attn to: Avidon M. Respes" ) Want One on One Help? Schedule A Session With Me: https://www.briods.com/bookonline?category=52fae0c3-ba57-433f-ac0f-6d62d615c4b9 Follow Me On Instagram: www.instagram.com/avi.rps Follow Me On Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avrespes https://www.facebook.com/avidon.respes Check Me Out On YouTube: https://youtu.be/BdJbYxG8jGs Make Sure To Check Out Our Store: www.briods.com/store BRIODS New Jersey Version 1 // *Interim Season 2* [T-Shirt] (In Red) https://www.wix.app/stores/53507d51-0d19-42a6-86e0-bb7cbeab3b6a/catalog/4e1050df-3a2e-6afe-a74a-2c381b8281ba?d=https://www.briods.com//product-page/briods-new-jersey-version-1-interim-season-2-t-shirt-in-red Thank You For Your Support!Like